All requests for accreditation must be received by Friday 5th April 2024.
Please read carefully prior to completing Media Accreditation Application Form as there are several new conditions being added for 2024, which must be adhered to.
Please ensure that you also fully complete and sign the General Data Protection Act (GDPR) Consent Form before returning your application.
Press accreditations are only available for recognised news gathering media outlets. Accreditation will be granted at the sole discretion of the Press Officer. Successful accreditation in previous years will not guarantee accreditation for 2024.
Photographers working on the race circuit will be required to wear a media tabard, supplied by the Press Office, at all times. A refundable deposit of £10 is required on registration.
All passes and media tabards are the property of the Press Office and are issued subject to conditions and may be withdrawn if any conditions are breached. To be considered for a press pass please ensure that you meet the requirements listed below and enclose all the relevant information requested:
- A letter commissioning you to cover the Blackford’s Pre-TT Classic Road Races; and / or the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Southern 100 Road Races, signed by the editor or another relevant representative of the publication. ONLY original letters will be accepted – photocopy versions will NOT be accepted and will result in rejection of Application!
- If you have been granted press accreditation in previous years at Southern 100 events, or other relevant motorsport events, please submit press cuttings that substantiate your request.
- All passes require a passport sized photograph. Please ensure that you send one passport sized photograph of yourself for each event you are applying for plus one for file with your application. No accreditations will be issued without photographs.
Website/Electronic Media: Only ONE Application will be granted for Website/Electronic Media Outlets. Accreditation will be dependent on type of website, activity and visitor figures, which must be sent with application.
All press registering for the Blackford’s Pre-TT Classic Road Races, and / or the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Southern 100 Road Races will be required to sign a form acknowledging that they adhere to Southern 100 Motorcycle Racing Club Ltd requirements on legal liability insurance and course familiarity.
Remote Cameras: The organisers are willing to allow Remote Cameras to be set up on the Colas Billown Course; however, photographers wishing to make use of this facility must inform the Press Officer when signing-on and provide evidence that such equipment is fully insured for Public Liability in the case of an incident involving the equipment. Such equipment must be presented at Signing-on so that it can be labelled for identification purposes by Officials manning the Course when it is live. Such equipment must be in place prior to the course becoming live.
Any remote photographic equipment found on the course that is not correctly labelled will be removed immediately by On-Course Officials without them being held responsible for its safe keeping until claimed.
Remote cameras placed in an unsafe position will be removed.
Small Unmanned Aircraft (Drones): Due to the proximity of the Isle of Man (Ronaldsway) Airport Small Unmanned Aircraft (Drones) is NOT permitted to be used in the vicinity of the Billown Course.
Extended (Selfie) Sticks: In the interests of safety of competitors, officials and spectators, extending sticks (Selfie-sticks) may NOT be used around the Billown Course.
It is also a condition of the granting of a Media Accreditation that you may be requested to provide photographs for use by the club in future publicity and or race programmes and literature at no cost to the organisers.