If Your Name is Brenda – It Was Your Lucky Day!
The Southern 100 Supporters Club was one of several fund-raising stalls at the Southern 100 Motorcycle Show and enjoyed a successful day selling hand-crafted cards, decorated and themed wine bottles and many other items designed and made by Tricia Clague to raise fund for the Supporters Club which assists in purchasing safety equipment for the Billown Course and looks after riders and their families when needed.
As an extra attraction, two competitions were run during the day; Guess My Birthday & How Many Wine Corks in a Gallon Bottle?
At the end of the day, all the birthdays and cork counts were checked and verified and if your name was ‘Brenda’ it was your lucky day!
The ‘Guess My Birthday’ prize was an exceptionally large Manx Teddy Bear, resplendent in Manx tartan which went to the winner Brenda Rothwell.
Whilst the ‘Guess the Number of Corks’ the prize of a bottle of wine and wine glasses in a wicker basket went to Brenda Crellin (Ray).
Tricia Clague and Joan Moore would like to thank everyone who took time to view the stall and especially those who bought items and/or entered the two comptitions and helped raise funds for the Supporters Club.