Marshals Association

Southern 100 Racing would like to express their appreciation to Colas (Isle of Man) for their support and sponsorship of ‘the friendly races’. Based adjacent to the course at Cross Four Ways, Colas have been associated with the road races over a number of years, before becoming the Official Course Sponsor in

The Old Market Inn on Chapel Row in Douglas may be the smallest pub in the Isle of Man, but it is one with the biggest heart when it comes to supporting the Southern 100 Supporters Club. Patrons of the ‘Market’ commenced supporting the Southern 100 Supporters fund in 2003, raising £290.00. By

The Old Market Inn on Chapel Row in Douglas may be the smallest pub in the Isle of Man, but it is one with the biggest heart when it comes to supporting the Southern 100 Supporters Club. Patrons of the ‘Market’ commenced supporting the Southern 100 Supporters fund in 2003, raising £290.00. By


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Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm; Satuday: 10am to 2pm
7300-7398 Colonial Rd, Brooklyn 242 Wythe Ave #4, Brooklyn
+ (123) 124-567-8901 + (123) 124-567-8901
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