Regulations & Entry Forms for Blackford’s Pre-TT Classic Road Races 2024 Available
Southern 100 Racing, promoters of the Blackford Financial Services Pre-TT Classic Road Races are pleased to advise that Regulations and Entry Forms for the 2024 Meeting, which will be held on Friday 24th, Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th May are now available to download from the official website www.Southern100.com .
The ACU have given the club dispensation for the Pre TT-Classic Event so that ACU Gold Star Helmets can be used providing they are within the date criteria as per the Standing Regulations, the club would like to thank the Race Organisers, the ACU for this as it helps to possibly keep the costs of competing down.
The Full Personal Protection Equipment is outlined in the 2024 Pre TT-Classic Regulations.
Southern 100 Racing is pleased to confirm that the race programme remains the same as last year with the Prize Presentation taking place on the Sunday evening in Castletown Square.
Competitors are now able to enter on line, which the club would encourage however Southern 100 Racing understand that there are some competitors who would still prefer to receive and complete hard copies of the Regulations and Entry Forms and are happy to accommodate them.
Please email the Race Secretary entries@southern100.com with your name and address and the documents will be posted to you.
Please also note the earlier closing date for entries for the Blackford’s Pre-TT Classic Road Races will now close on Thursday 29th February 2024.
Southern 100 Racing look forward to welcoming old and new friends to the Colas Billown Course at the end of May.