100 Club

Hope you are keeping well. At the monthly draw yesterday congratulations go out to the following lucky winners:-     Prize Winner No. Prize (£) 1st Chris Hall 31 £  100.00 2nd Brian Convery 57 £    50.00 3rd Dave Smart 1 £    50.00 4th Elaine Litherland 89 £    25.00 5th Jerry Ludford-Brooks 90 £    25.00 6th Ruth McAleer 105 £    20.00   Good look to all for next month and as always, a big thank you to everyone for your continued support.   Kind Regards Brenda

Good Afternoon everyone, Hope you are all well and enjoying the spring weather. Not long to go before the start of the first racing since 2019, preparations are well underway for the Pre & Post TT races at the Billown Circuit. The May draw on Wednesday evening produced the following lucky winners:-   Prize Winner No. Prize (£) 1st Faith

Good Morning Everyone, On this lovely spring day I am delighted to let you know that the winners of the April 100 Club Draw are:- Prize Winner No. Prize (£) 1st Derek Whalley 131 £  100.00 2nd Murray Crowe 51 £    50.00 3rd Peter Creer 111 £    50.00 4th Doreen Cooil 68 £    25.00 5th Glen Harrison 117 £    25.00 6th Ash Convery 66 £    20.00 Well done to the lucky winners and good look to everyone for next months draw. It

Good Morning Everyone.   We are hurtling towards Summer, well Spring with the clocks going forward at the end of this month but Summer makes it sound better.   Hope you are all keeping safe and well.   At the monthly meeting last night the following lucky numbers were drawn:-   Prize Winner No. Prize (£) 1st Vanda Nicolson 50 £  100.00 2nd Rosie Christian 100 £    50.00 3rd Mike Chapman 64 £   

The February 100 Club Draw was held at the Southern 100 Club Annual Dinner last night.  It was a great evening and very well attended.   Congratulations to the following winners:-   Prize Winner No. Prize (£) 1st Tracy Smart 71 £  100.00 2nd Brian Convery 57 £    50.00 3rd Jane Corlett 47 £    50.00 4th Annette Gill 120 £    25.00 5th Stuart Christian 75 £    25.00 6th Alan Reid 21 £    20.00   I also presented a cheque for £5,000 to the Southern

Season’s Greetings Everyone,  Hope you are all well and looking forward to the festive season. The final draw for 2021 has been completed and the winners are:- PrizeWinnerNo£1stPeter Duke25£  100.00 2ndPhil Taubman7£    50.00 3rdSharon Hibberd35£    25.00 4th Hugh Blackwood30£    25.00 5thPeter Chadwick70£    15.00 6thTom Smart43£    15.00  Congratulations to all the lucky winner throughout 2021. A big thank you for all


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